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Rustic Blue Picture Frame - V591

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Artwork Size: 24 x 36  Change Size
Frame  $119.27
Acrylic Glass  $45.56
Mounting Board  $9.44
Hanging Hardware  $1.95
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Quantity: 1  Change Quantity
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Package Price: $176.22
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This blue shabby chic picture frame features a multilayered paint finish to simulate the look of refurbished furniture in a country style. The scraped layers sit on a stained grayish brown finish that is exposed on the rounded swan shape of the outer edge. The profile width is 2 3/8” and the rabbet depth is 9/16”.

Possible genres and styles of art that might work in this picture frame include folk art such as needlework and embroidery, home decor items such as country kitchen art, inspirational words to live by, and quaint images of cute farm animals and dairy products like eggs, milk, and cheese.

The shabby chic design aesthetic of this blue wood picture frame rests on the idea of a do-it-yourself spirit that often mimics certain trends in the economy, when thrift and recycling become a normative design practice. For example, the DIY attitude was prevalent in the 1970s, and again after the Great Recession. From these downturns in financial prosperity, a shabby chic aesthetic becomes a symbol of creativity and innovation.

Mat colors that might work well with this picture frame include Chicago Blues 9544, Blue Moon 9625, Half & Half 9509, Jaws 9606, and Tempest 9556.

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