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Distressed Black Picture Frame - V109

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Artwork Size: 8 x 10  Change Size
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Note: We will not print your image. The image is only displayed to help you make your project selections easier.
Click "Frame" to add or change the frame in your project. We offer a wide selection of both wood and metal frames. Frame  $94.16
Click "Acrylic Glass" to add or change the acrylic or glass in your project. Acrylic Glass  $5.53
Click "Mounting Board" to add or change the mounting or backing board in your project. Mounting Board  $1.96
Click "Handing Hardware" to add or change the hanging hardware in your project. We also offer an easel back option for displaying small artwork on an easel. Hanging Hardware  $1.95
Click "Matting" to add or change the mats in your project. We offer mat blanks, as well as single, double, triple and fillet mat options. Matting
Click "Spacers and Walls" to add or change the glass spacers or shadow box walls in your project. Spacers and Walls
Click "Stretcher Bar" to add or change the stretcher bar in your project. Stretcher bars cannot be in the same design as Acrylic/Glass or Frame Liner or Backing Board or Mats. Stretcher Bar
Click "Frame Liner" to add or change the frame liner in your project. Frame Liner
Click "Frame Fillet" to add or change the frame fillet in your project. Frame Fillet
REQUIRED: Click "Art Thickness" to tell us the thickness of the artwork or any other material you are supplying YOURSELF to put in the frame. For example: glass, foam, etc.. Based on the thickness of your artwork, we will supply the appropriate hardware to secure your artwork and materials we provide in the frame.
IMPORTANT: Only specify the thickness of the artwork or materials you are supplying. We already know the thickness of the materials we are supplying.
Art Thickness
Quantity: 1  Change Quantity
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Package Price: $103.60
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This black and gold “Luna Noche” wood picture frame by Omega Moulding offers a sophisticated look with hints of distress and antique age, and a finish that is embossed with lunar-like divots to enhance the overall look of the frame. The profile width is 3” and the rabbet depth is 15/16”.

The depth of this “Luna Noche”Omega picture frame is enough to accommodate a 1” stretched canvas painting, along with other fairly deep framing materials. Watercolors with deckled edges, for example, may be floated on matboard, with plenty of room to build up shadowbox walls, or a foamcore build-up between a top mat and a second mat.

In addition to framing canvas paintings and watercolors, this black and gold Luna Noche Omega wood picture frame is an elegant choice for pastels on paper or rigid board. Other works on paper that might be a good match for this frame include drawings, etchings, serigraphs, lithographs, and family portraiture.

Mat colors to consider from our acid free Crescent Select offerings include options like Black Forest 9823, Wise Green 9527, Rhino 9629, Mocha Green 9826, Hedge Hog 9530, Etched Black 5598, Black Belt 9632, Coffee Bean 9842, Fresh Brew 9590, Wet Sand 9515, and Ivory Art 9808.

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