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Small Rustic Picture Frame White And Tan - V547

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Artwork Size: 16 x 20  Change Size
Frame  $29.29
Acrylic Glass  $17.79
Mounting Board  $4.22
Hanging Hardware  $1.95
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Package Price: $53.25
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This ivory and tan, shabby chic picture frame features a unique distressed finish that represents the faux finishing techniques used to turn old frames into something new, such as the use of hide glue and milk paint, among other methods, to create unique textures on a surface.

The profile width is 1”, and features a small, gray, downward step along the outside edge of picture frame. The face of the profile is flat, with a multi-layered distressed finish, and the outer wall of this frame is a weathered gray finish.

This frame is ideal for matted original art on paper, and also fine art prints and posters. Themes to consider include beach scenes that include tall beach grass and Adirondack chairs, landscapes that utilize soft pastel colors, and photographs and paintings that have characteristics of weathering.

vArchival acid free mat board colors that would be ideal with this shabby chic picture frame include White Sands 9508, Tawny 9810, Hedge Hog 9530, Fawn 9815, Mocha Green 9826, and Wise Green 9527.

Finally, consider this frame for more personal creations that emphasize a do-it-yourself spirit, such as needlework, collage paintings, and other craft projects.
