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Black Floating Picture Frame - V1294

This frame will support artwork up to 3/4" deep
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Artwork Size: 18 x 24  Change Size
Frame  $61.64
Hanging Hardware  $1.95
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Quantity: 1  Change Quantity
Package Price: $63.59
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A great black floating picture frame for your canvas and panel art that is 3/4" thick or less. This black floater frame with open grain texture is perfect for canvases or plywood, including oil paintings, acrylic paintings, encaustic wax paintings, and limited edition giclée prints on canvas.

One of the unique qualities that went into designing this exclusive Web Picture Frames black floating picture frame was the nearly ½” base thickness, which offers more structural integrity at the joint than most floater frames of this general size in the picture framing industry.

Additionally, the open-grain texture on the surface of this black floating picture frame emphasizes that this floater is actually made of wood. The fact that there is no gesso between the wood substrate and the finish also means that this frame is very easy to touch up if it gets dinged while transporting from one art show to another.

For a series of work or a gallery exhibition, this black floating picture frame is an excellent choice as a signature look, not only for the reasons stated above, but also because floater frames allow for the entirety of the painting to be exposed visually.

A black floating picture frame speaks to the importance of every square inch of surface area. It asserts an aesthetic value that expands to the very edge of the painting. A floater frame also avoids damage to the edge of artworks that could get harmed by a traditional frame lip, such as encaustic wax paintings and thick impasto oil paintings.
