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Weathered Wood Picture Frame - V561-1

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Artwork Size: 8 x 10  Change Size
Frame  $31.19
Acrylic Glass  $5.53
Mounting Board  $1.92
Hanging Hardware  $1.95
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Quantity: 1  Change Quantity
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Package Price: $40.59
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This rustic gray barnwood picture frame has an authentic look of weathered fence boards or barn siding, with a more apparent texture along the face where the grain patterns reveal a coarse and broad texture. The profile width is 1-1/16”, and the rabbet depth is 1-1/4”.

The moulding lengths of this rustic gray barnwood frame offer finger-joined seams throughout, which is an intended look that adds variation to the individual sticks of moulding that are used to make your frame. Additional variation and complementary texture may be added by stacking this frame with a fabric frame liner such as Off-White Linc-ow.

Artwork to consider pairing with this rustic weathered gray, barn wood picture frame may include country motifs and country chic wedding photography, along with maps, nature and wildlife art, outdoor recreation memorabilia, vintage signs and antiques, folk art, and Americana collections.

For a shadowbox project, consider framing a collection of small vintage tools, fishing lures, or incorporating chicken wire for a thematic barnwood rooster kitchen décor project.
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